1 min readSep 24, 2022


I did not bother reading all of it because you presume all experiences are like yours and you get mad we dont validate your point of view. Then you go on perpetuating a narrative that has highjacked birthing, going into gruesome details. But here is the problem. You chose to follow the narrative, you chose to follow the doctor, the clinic and the myth about dying during it. You left your body and your baby in the hands of surgeons and medical staff who lack the comprehension - or choose to do so cause this is a billion dollar industry, that giving birth needs calm, soft sounds, breathing. Its sacred and it depends on your stress hormones to have a good ir bad outcome. No, women fo not die during childbirth. They used to, before doctors knew about bacteria, and to wash their hands after dissecting a corpse. I respect the fact that for you snd probably many others, the hospital was the only solution possible. I also respect that for many women giving birth was hard. But who you trust at the end of the day to make the right decisions, makes a world of difference in giving birth. So no, we are not lying, and no, not all cars end up in accidents. Just so we are clear. So stop scaring women, and own up to it.




Written by Lili



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